Apr 8, 2018


I talk a lot my love for Seattle summers, but I think that if I look past the itchy-throat-inducing pollen floating around the air, I would say that this season comes in a close second for my favorite season. It's so refreshing seeing all the flowers bloom, and I don't think it's something that I could ever get tired of.

Year after year, spring quarter has consistently been a very difficult one, and this one is no exception. These past two weeks, I'm pretty sure I've spent more time driving than actually sleeping. Oddly enough, this busy quarter has been really fulfilling so far now that I'm spending my time devoted to doing the things I am passionate about.

Although we're only two weeks into the quarter, there have been a lot of exciting things going on lately, so here are a few updates:

1. I turned 21! I feel so much older now that I can get a horizontal driver's license lol.

2. I'm no longer working. As someone studying human-computer interaction and engineering at university, I was admittedly not the greatest fit as an intern at a pharmaceutical company. I let my boss know that I was looking for internships elsewhere, and we just let my contract expire without renewal. I'm bummed that I won't be working with the same great people anymore, but leaving this position also opens up a lot of my time to pursue design.

3. New projects are everywhere! This quarter, I'm working with new people on exciting new projects. I've joined a research group that connects shelters with UW dining halls, and I'm helping doctors at UWMC to create a website that helps teach doctors about cases! Sustainability and healthcare are two topics that I care about, so I'm really grateful that I have the opportunity to work on both of these projects in the coming weeks.

This season's going to be hectic, but I think it's a huge leap forward in my personal and professional growth.